Created By Tad Redway

Knightlite Software’s “New Product Development Director” Tad Redway takes you step-by-step through each knot in an easy-t0-follow format. There is no better way to learn the knots you need to know for your Fire Fighter I Practical Exam.
DVD Contents
-Parts Of The Rope & Knot
-Overhand Knot
-Half Hitch
-Clove Hitch
-Figure 8
-Figure 8 Follow-Through
-Figure 8 On A Bight
-Sheet Bend
-Raising An Ax
-Raising A Pike Pole
-Uncharged Hoseline
-Charged Hoseline
-Raising A Ladder
Only $26.95
To Order:
Call 1-800-707-9875
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