Fire Officer Principles And Practice
Study Helper Version 4.0 Now Available
Study Software For Firefighters

Based On Jones And Bartlett's
Fire Officer Principles and Practice
4th Edition
Only $42.95

Number Of Questions - 1300
Number Of Definitions - 338
New Questions Added - 543
Revised Questions - 88

Fire Officer Principles And Practice 4th Edition is a small book full of a massive amount of information. Many pages have several questions on a single page. You have spent hours reading the book, but how can you tell if you will remember all that information when test day comes.
That is where we come in. Since 1996, Knightlite Software has been writing study software programs specifically designed to help firefighters excel on their promotional exams. The new Code IV user interface seamlessly records your actions as you run through the questions, remembering which questions you answered correctly and incorrectly. In a single glance, it can show you which chapters you are weak in, which chapters you are scoring average, and which chapters you are scoring high in. This allows you to return to each chapter and concentrate on the questions you are having difficulty with.
The result from studying this way allows you to quickly build your confidence and feel more relaxed when you walk into your exam. Being more relaxed will equate to higher scores. Knightlite has a track record that spans well over two decades, and we can with all confidence say, that The Firefighters who Used Our Software Are The Ones Who Get Promoted! Order today and start studying — instant access.