Fire Department Incident

Safety Officer

Study Helper Version 3.0

Now Available


The Most Comprehensive Study Software Available

1030 Questions

173 Definitions

Free Demo Versions Coming Soon!

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Copyright 2017 Knightlite Software

Only $35.95

A comprehensive study software package based on Jones and Bartlett’s Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 3rd Edition.  We ship you both Mac and Windows versions on the same disk.

Order Today And Get Instant Access To The Software - Only $32.95 - Order Online Now!

You also are shipped either a DVD or Optional Flash Drive through the mail.

The Firefighters Who Use Our Software Are The Ones Who Get Promoted!

Why Do You Need Fire Department Incident Safety Officer Study Helper Version 3.0 From Knightlite?

During a promotional test, firefighters are faced with long lists of books they must study to prepare for their exams. When you first look at the text, Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, you say to yourself, “Thats not so bad, I really only have to study about 260 pages.”  Many books can be 500 to 800 pages.  Its not until you start reading the book that you realize that David W. Dodson has packed so much information into this book, that it will indeed be a challenge to try to remember everything contained in this text. Once you read it, what do you do then? Its only one book on a long list of other books for your promotional test. How are you going to know that you’ll be ready for the test? How confident will you be that you’ve mastered the information in this book?

That’s where we come in. Knightlite Software is designed to test your knowledge, pinpoint your weaknesses and build your confidence. The book gives you the important foundation knowledge. Our software will help you retain that knowledge, reduces your stress, and fosters the confidence you will need to excel on your promotional exam.

The software keeps track of questions you answer incorrectly so you can go back and study just those questions you are a little weak in, without wasting time concentrating on material you have already mastered. Lots of great features to allow you to study in a way that is most effective for you.

Easy-to-use and affordable. Your career is too important to settle for second best. Invest a little in your future and reap the benefits of all your hard work.  Knightlite has helped thousands of firefighters become promoted since 1996.

Optional TestMaker Upgrade Module is an upgrade ($19.95) that allows you to create custom tests with incredible speeds. The standard version of the program offers you many ways to create tests, but if you are an instructor, or training officer, or just a person who wants to create custom chapters with SOP information, this is a great tool. 

Create custom chapters in minutes. You can pick and choose questions from the existing database, or you can write your own custom questions. Navigate to the question you would like to export, select your target chapter, and click add.  Your done. Navigate to the next question and click add again.  You can quickly create a customized test in which you choose the questions in the order you want them in.

Create an unlimited number of tests quickly and easily with the TestMaker Upgrade Module. You can create new chapters, merge existing chapters, change the names of chapters, and add the questions of one chapter to the questions of another.  The TestMaker is a great tool for instructors and training officers, and it will save you hours and hours of time. Have questions? Call us at 1-800-707-9875.  We are here to help!